Field Day 2024

From June 22, 2024 09:00 until June 23, 2024 13:00


Posted by Administrator

Categories: Field Day

Hits: 303

Field Day is ham radio's open house. Every June, more than 40,000 hams throughout North America set up temporary transmitting stations in public places to demonstrate ham radio's science, skill and service to our communities and our nation. It combines public service, emergency preparedness, community outreach, and technical skills all in a single event. Field Day has been an annual event since 1933, and remains the most popular event in ham radio.

This year's Field Day will be next Saturday 22nd and Sunday 23rd located at 258 Geiger Rd Lucedale, MS at General KD4VVZ and Annis' KD1VVZ property. There are several things going on again at this year's event. First, all levels of Ham Radio licensing exams will be offered and those wishing to take tests must be on site at 7:30am Saturday for registration, testing begins at 8am. Secondly, there will be a workshop for those new to antenna building. For those wishing to participate in measuring, building, hanging, trimming and tuning a 20 meter dipole, here's your chance. There is a possibility of a second antenna project if time permits. The antennas built during FD will be used and then given to someone after the weekend is over. Another scheduled workshop will be a live demonstration on HF filtering Saturday afternoon for those wishing to get some hands on training so they can enhance their radio experience at their home QTH. This demonstration is a follow up to last Saturday's presentation on understanding and using filtering on your HF radio.

A Fox Hunt workshop will be offered after lunch on Saturday, so those interested in learning how and want to participate in the Fox Hunt exercise, bring your 2m hand held radio. Field Day is a good time for everyone to learn, share their knowledge, ask questions about the radio hobby, operate the radios and gain radio experience. If you need help with a particular radio, bring it to the FD site and we'll see if we can answer your question.

For those bringing a radio setup to use at FD please send me an email so I can plan a spot for your operation. Our main goal is for everyone to enjoy themselves in whatever area of participation they are involved with.

Field Day stations will operate voice and digital modes in conjunction with computer logging of contacts.

One additional update to follow by email next week.

Here is the Field Day tentative time line of events, some events may overlap others and that's okay.

All workshops and refreshments are at no charge (free) and is donated solely by the members


testing location 258 Geiger Rd, Lucedale

7:30AM: Testing registration

8:00AM: Testing session begins

9:30AM: Antenna Build workshop(s)

9:30AM: FD Radio and antenna setup

12:00PM: Lunch

1:00PM: Start of operating Field Day radios (24 hours)

2:00PM: Fox Hunt workshop

3:00PM: The Annual Field Day door prizes give away (several door prizes to be won).

5:30PM: Dinner


8:30am Breakfast

1:00PM: End of operations and breakdown FD site