A new year has arrived and 2025 looks to be an exciting year for Ham Radio here in George County. Starting the new year off with a “BANG” was the “Big Freeze and Snow of 2025” with some parts of our area down to Coastal Mississippi receiving up to nine inches of snow, while here at the Dailey Compound we accumulated over 4 inches with low temperatures around 10 degrees. I haven’t seen snow fall like this since I was a teenager while living in Wyoming. With bridges, highways, streets, towns and cities grinding to a stop along with work closures for days, January 2025 will be a date to remember for sure.
At January’s GC ARES monthly we were able to plan our year’s activity schedule which will be a great and an educational year for Amateur Radio in our area. Attached you will find the monthly meetings, yearly activities, and special events that are scheduled or planned. Unfortunately, not all suggestions were able to be scheduled for our monthly meetings but they can be covered during one of the special Zoom meetings during the upcoming months of this year. As always, our weekly radio nets are every Wednesday night beginning at 7:37 PM and monthly meetings each 2nd Saturday of the month. Also, through out the year there will be interactive extra-curricular Zoom Video Meetings to explaining different aspects of Amateur Radio and related programs to the hobby and for you to ask questions about topic of the night.
The 2025 GC ARES Calendar of Events is available as an PDF, please feel to invite and share with others.
The GC ARES website calendar should be fully updated by February 1st.
The 2025 year is ahead of us all and I hope that everyone would share and invest some of your year with us here at GC ARES in supporting our community and Amateur Radio in George County. There are plenty of ways for you to be involved and areas of need to be filled, all that needs to be done is ask where you can help and be available. Let’s all be part of this great and rewarding hobby we call Amateur Radio.